Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 282.


I caught up. I was almost a week behind - and I was watching the days go by and not wanting to catch up and worrying that this blog would slip away from me!

I am grateful for catching up.

Now I'm back on track and even though I say I was worried - I knew I'd do it. This blog is non-negotiable for me. I have heard enough from others that it is helpful and enjoyable to you for that reason alone, I must continue. And for little old me here behind the screen - it has been an incredible year for me. A year of delightful surprise - at how this silly little idea has become something inspirational and in fact has changed my whole outlook on life. Gratitude is really the way I am beginning to live my life.

So, I may have had to catch up with the written word, but gratitude is there, whether I write about it or not.


  1. YEAH! I'm so glad to catch up with you, too. Missed ya!

  2. I dread day 365. Can you make another year of it? I love this blog! love, katie
